hire the blurb bitch
If you are comfortable with these terms, then please send me the following things:
Characters' First and Last Names
Overall Conflict in the book
Preferred POV for the blurb (1st person or 3rd person)
From Scratch or Rewrite? **Please don’t ask me to decide for you! I feel uncomfortable making a decision like that for you. If you want to save money, get a “rewrite.” If you are looking for the best possible blurb, then get a “from scratcher.”
Existing blurb (or book report/outline--if you're looking for a "from scratcher.")
**Please please send me your blurb/blurbs and answers to the questions within this email. I don’t want to open random documents and download them onto my computer. It’s safer for me (and my computer) that way!
Also, please let me know if you are looking for a traditional/typical blurb or if you are looking for something more creative/fancy/poetic.
Oftentimes, I have questions regarding your blurb as I begin writing and recreating. Would you object to a phone call from me? If that is acceptable, then please leave a number I can reach you at and your time zone. (I don’t want to call you in the middle of the night or the crack of dawn!) I will be calling from a 3-3-0 area code.
Thank you again for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
[email protected]
Characters' First and Last Names
Overall Conflict in the book
Preferred POV for the blurb (1st person or 3rd person)
From Scratch or Rewrite? **Please don’t ask me to decide for you! I feel uncomfortable making a decision like that for you. If you want to save money, get a “rewrite.” If you are looking for the best possible blurb, then get a “from scratcher.”
Existing blurb (or book report/outline--if you're looking for a "from scratcher.")
**Please please send me your blurb/blurbs and answers to the questions within this email. I don’t want to open random documents and download them onto my computer. It’s safer for me (and my computer) that way!
Also, please let me know if you are looking for a traditional/typical blurb or if you are looking for something more creative/fancy/poetic.
Oftentimes, I have questions regarding your blurb as I begin writing and recreating. Would you object to a phone call from me? If that is acceptable, then please leave a number I can reach you at and your time zone. (I don’t want to call you in the middle of the night or the crack of dawn!) I will be calling from a 3-3-0 area code.
Thank you again for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
[email protected]